SGA 9662 S

My fiancée was driving along Mandai Road when this lady driving a Tuscon SUV keeps cutting into her lane for unknown reasons. Not sure if the Tuscon driver couldn’t keep in her lane because she is driving at a curve. I have taught my fiancée to honk at drivers BEFORE they commit to the mistake. (What’s the point of high beaming or honk afterwards right?)

The SUV moved back after being honked, I thought that maybe my fiancée was in her blind spot. However, a second later, it cuts into to her lane again without signalling, and this time even nearer! So, it’s either the lady driving the SUV is an idiot for not using signals to filter and at the wrong timing, or she can’t control her vehicle properly and can’t keep in her lane. Either way, she needs to go back to driving school.

Motorbike vs Motorbike

Bryan posted this video on 2 motorbikes colliding with another at Marymount Road, almost resulting in an accident. This reckless rider, with his bike FR1847B, cuts in front of him to change ‘splitting lane’ and hits an oncoming motorbike. Luckily the oncoming bike moved in time to the side but was still unable to avoid a small collision.